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Create accurate forecasts for your customer service

An application for workforce management professionals

Try 30 days for free

30 days free access | Easy setup | Forecast within minutes

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

We challenge you to explore a forecasting tool that will empower you as much as spreadsheets have in the past.

Save time

Use computing power from the cloud and let algorithms do the heavy lifting for you. Find the best method for any set of time-series data within seconds.

Be in control

Thanks to the glass-box-design all parameters are displayed in realtime in the cockpit. The mechanics are easy to understand and there is room for customization.

Everything in one place

Keep track of events that have impact on customer behaviour. Monitor marketing campaigns and the impact of holidays. All your quantitative and qualitative data in one place!

2 reviews on
Anna Vriezema
Anna Vriezema
De training van AIM Forecasting was voor mij een fijne combinatie van nieuwe kennis opdoen op het gebied van forecasting en het regelmatig testen van de opgedane kennis door middel van leuke uitdagende opdrachten tijdens de training. De trainer was vriendelijk en zeer deskundig op WFM gebied. Dank jullie wel AIM Forecasting!
Wessel van Vulpen
Wessel van Vulpen
Erg goed! de werking is zeer nauwkeurig. De bijhorende training is interactief. Desondanks de tijdsduur voelt het niet als een lange zit! Blijf zo doorgaan, heren!

Start your free 30-day trial today!

Get full access to all features, including:

Group, clean, edit and analyze your data

Create units (departments)

Train your model for the highest accuracy

Make Forecasts on weekly and daily level

Export everything to CSV or Excel

Try for free

Our goal

We’re here to help workforce management professionals leverage their skills with the best possible tools we can build.

Besides saving cost for WFM and operations, the end game here is reducing wait times.
We are on a mission to reduce 100 years in wait times for our customers around the globe in the next 5 years.

Are you a DIY type of person?

or would you prefer a demo first?

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