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Our mission

AIM Forecasting was founded to help you create accurate forecasts for your customer service.

We believe workforce management specialists like yourself deserve better tools, complementing the scheduling solution you may already have in place.

You can setup your own forecast environment quickly and start adding value for your customer service right away. Our team of three is available to you every day to help you on your journey to delivering excellent customer experience!

Who we are

Meet our team

AIM was founded in 2020 by Richard Zeelenberg, Triet Banh and Mark Hoster.

We came together from different backgrounds: Workforce Management, Cybersecurity and UX design, and joined forces with one goal: to create the ultimate app for forecasting customer service contacts.

Chief Architect

Richard Zeelenberg

Richard is all about economics and efficiency. At 19 years old, when his fellow students were studying and partying, he started his first business in recycling ink cartridges. Richard's obsession with efficiency and reducing waste never went away. You can imagine his first job in workforce management was love at first sight! In his spare time Richard loves to spend time with his family and ride motorcycles. Passionate about: Electric Skateboards (LEV's), Cryptocurrency and Forecasting. Stubborn Android user.
Chief Security

Triet Banh

Triet was writing code when the internet was still on MySpace. With 10 years of experience as an ethical hacker, Triet is naturally in charge of backend development and security matters. Triet has a talent for making things work, and it is said he can hack about anything, given enough time and resources. Besides being a family man Triet likes to spend time on the golf course. Favourite food: Sushi! Passionate about: cybersecurity
Chief Design

Mark Hoster

Mark is all about esthetics and design. He believes strongly in form and function going hand-in-hand and that all user interfaces should be beautiful as well as intuitive. Therefore, you will rarely find Mark using hardware that is not produced by Apple. One exemption might be when he is mixing music which is his main hobby. Mark is also a passionate gamer and some of that influence has surely found its way into our software. Mark has recently become a father and sometimes comes up with creative ideas during one of his (many) sleepless nights. Appreciates: good coffee and sushi

Core values

What we stand for

AIM stands for freedom, cooperation and exploration.

That is why we offer flexible monthly subscriptions and a 30-day free trial to give you the change to explore our features risk-free. Together, we want to discover new ways of improving workforce management and customer service, one step at a time.